Thursday, September 12, 2013

My Purpose...

The purpose of this blog site, is two-fold. One, is the obvi, to share with others who have a strong passion for fashion and to direct it to those in my age group... the 40+ gals!
Secondly, to inspire and share real life experiences and goals, so that there is a place where others can relate.

Life is like an "Evolving Closet," think about it...just like our wardrobe, our life changes all the time. As we get older, so do our tastes for certain things, clothes, food, home decorations etc. And as the kids move out, the closets empty with them and we are left to "fill" them up so to speak with some other purpose or "shoe fetish" that we may have long desired to have.
The point is, you are not alone...we are always evolving, and changing as life changes whether we are ready or is life, so you might as well enjoy the ride and look at this as a new chapter in your already amazing life!

Like I said, I have a grown son in college (he is on the five yr. plan and we are on the four...but that is another story, haha), and it was so hard to see him go, yet I knew this was his time in life to explore and find himself. I still had a daughter at home and that was gratifying, and still is, yet I know she will soon leave and spread her wings and rightly so. Soooooo, knowing all this was going to happen, I went back into the work force and like I also stated in earlier, got a job as a Fashion Instructor for High School students, thinking..."This is great!, I have something that is rewarding, and I love it and wow! I can do this for a long time whoohoo!" Until the program was dissolved and I was left to re-think my direction. Yes, I work now....but it is not what I want to do "when I grow up", it is a yield in the road so to speak (but is has been almost two years in this yield, which feels more like a long pause) and I am once again looking to find my calling!
I know its okay to be at a standstill for a bit, but this is ridiculous! I have such an enormous energy to give back some how and yet...nada.... so here I am....blogging and sharing what I feel, what I love and what I know...
So for now, I will fill my son's almost empty closet with my shoe fetish, and fashion gratifications and continue to love just being who I am for the moment and know that I will continue to evolve just like my closet.

xoxo Mari

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